Isabelle officially has her first teeth. She has two on the bottom. They are visible now when she laughs and they are so cute. I first noticed the one tooth last week on the way home from Illinois, but it had not poked thru the skin yet. She was not fussy or anything before they came in. Hopefully I can get a picture soon of her with her teeth. Right now she just puts her tongue over them when you try to look at them. Today Jason put his finger in her mouth and she bit down on it and left a mark.
I am attaching her 5 month pictures that we got done at Target. They are so cute, but it helps when the subject is so cute.
She can now roll over from her tummy to her back both ways. She has not figured out how to roll from back to tummy yet but she is close. She can sit up pretty good without assistance too.

These pictures are adorable! I love the one with the blue flowers. She looks like she's posing for Glamor Shots. :)
Congrats to Isabelle on the teeth. Elijah did the same thing - got the bottom 2 right at 5 months. He wasn't fussy with his either. The top 4 were terrible though! What a big girl!
i have to say, she is one of the most beautiful baby girls I have ever seen. I'm not just saying that because she is my niece. Miss you guys.
Hello Mrs. Welty! My email is not up and running yet, but I wanted to stop by and say hey. Don't miss me too much. Things here are going well. Don't forget to update your blog often!!
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